It's over. SIGHHHHHHHH. (That was the ruh-lief part). I don't believe I'll list it up today but just explain all my gratefulness in paragraph form.
My baby brother got married yesterday and is now currently in NY with my new sister (EEK!). In a few days they're headed to Paris for 10 days and then a few days in our nation's capital. They're so wonderful, and their wedding was perfect for them. My mantra all week was "It's not my wedding" whenever things happened that were stressful or didn't make sense (esp. in regards to the music because I KNOW my music and how things should be run in regards to that) BUT I just kept saying "It's not my wedding" and it helped!
The ceremony was beautiful and I sang as Natalie walked down the aisle. She was GOR-geous of course! I did fine until I looked at my brother (stupid mistake) and then the tears started. Everything kind of went by in a blur, but it was awesome. They got married at the Blue Mouse Theater and it was amazing. After the ceremony they played the movie NEWSIES. Now. If you know me, you know how OBSESSED I am with this movie and Christian Bale (who's my husband, although he doesn't know it. Nor does his wife...hmm). It was so fun singing along and being ridic in the theater.
I'm grateful that my brother got married to Natalie and that she's beyond amazing AND a pastry chef (insta-yum!). I'm grateful that Kari came early and helped set up and then took me out after the wedding. I was soooo exhausted (hadn't slept the night before because of stress and all) and I needed to get away from my family and all the stress associated with that. After we cleaned up Kari and I went and got some Starbuck's and walked the waterfront in Tacoma. I MISS the water like crazy and it was nice to just sit and chat with her. Then I had this urge to go to PLU (which if you know me is WEIRD) and turns out there was Jazz Under the Stars going on. LOVES it! So we had some jazz, saw some friends (like Val, Katie, and Mike) and got to hear Tegels play the organ at intermission. LOVE Tegels, too. This week and day definitely made me cling to music even more. When I'm singing or listening to music I feel normal. I like feeling normal. In all the madness I just wanted to run away and go sing. There was a day earlier in the week when I just went to my friend Robin's house and we chatted and made music. It was UH-mazing.
ANYWAYS, as you might tell, I'm uber grateful for music. Till next time peeps!
Natalie looks gorgeous! And your mom and brother look fabulous as well. I'm totally enamored with Natalie's dress. It turned out a-mazing. Can't wait to see yours! I'm so glad the wedding went off well and that you survived.